
Unsayable Sayings

Cats and dogsFixed expressions are part of the most difficult elements to translate in any type of text, since we rarely find any of those expressions existing in two different languages and being exactly the same. What would happen if we translated them literally? We would get translations that sound funny in the target language. Here you have some examples that, I hope, may make you laugh a bit 馃檪

It’s raining cats and dogs– Est谩 lloviendo gatos y perros

It’s a piece of cake– Es un trozo de pastel

I was pulling your leg聽– Te estaba estirando la pierna

A watched pot never boils聽– Una olla vigilada nunca hierve

Break a leg– R贸mpete una pierna

Put yourself in his shoes– Ponte en sus zapatos

Buy a lemon– Comprar un lim贸n

A cock and bull story– Una historia de gallo y toro

To find your feet– Encontrar tus pies

Let the cat out of the bag– Dejar salir al gato de la bolsa

Pick up your ears– Recoge tus orejas

Sick as a dog– Estar tan enfermo como un perro

A son of a gun– Hijo de una pistola

It’s a can of worms– Es una lata de gusanos

It’s as easy as a pie– Es tan f谩cil como una tarta

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